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Publish Date : 22 October 2017 - 11:43  ,  
News ID: 2591

Trump is not a mad man but plays its role to pave the way for American strategists: Iranian General

TEHRAN (Basirat) :a top military advisor to Iran’s Leader says US President Donald Trump is pretending to be insane in politics as part of a larger plan in Washington to press ahead with America’s regional projects.

Trump is not a mad man but plays its role to pave the way for American strategists: Iranian General

Addressing a gathering of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) members in the central city of Qom, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, a military aide to Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, said, "Trump is not a mad man but plays its role to pave the way for American strategists to press ahead with their projects in the Middle East.”
"The irrational strategy has been offered to Trump by Henry Kissinger because the US government needs such a mad man to press ahead with its project of coercing the international community into meeting American interests,” he noted, referring to Trump’s recent meeting with former US diplomat Kissinger.
According to a Farsi report by Tasnim News Agency, Rahim Safavi further noted that all the current chaotic scenarios in the region have been created by the global arrogance to put pressure on the Islamic Revolution.
The former IRGC chief-commander also said it is not possible to restore security and stability to the Middle East without Iran’s active participation in the regional plans.
He then referred to the defeats of ISIS in Syria and said the 80-month-old conflict in Syria is coming to an end with the final collapse of ISIS in the war-torn country. Rahim Safavi stressed that reconstructing Syria which has been razed to the ground during the war requires $400 billion.
He also referred to the latest independence referendum in the Iraqi Kurdistan and said the US plays a key role behind the curtain.
He also said ISIS had been seeking to  occupy the Iraqi city of Kirkuk due to its strategic location in Iraq and added today with the measures adopted by the Islamic resistance forces, the city enjoys security and stability.
"As reports by the US intelligence services reveal, by 2030 there would be no entity called Saudi government and Iran will have the upper hand in the region,” he added.
The Iranian commander also said today Iran is a regional player with high ideological penetration in the regional states. "The presence of resistance movements in the region shows Iran’s growing role in the region.”
