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Publish Date : 11 March 2019 - 13:28  ,  
News ID: 5407

Imam Khamenei's opinion on environment

Tehran (Basirat) :Concerns surrounding plants, green spaces, and the protection of our natural environment are all very important issues for Iran. Many of the problems we have today, including the weather pollution in cities and dusty air arise from the lack of enough green spaces and flora


Imam Khamenei's opinion on environment

Our northern forests are among the most unique forests of the world that we need to preserve
Mar 8, 2017

Even around the big city of Tehran, we have some pastures, where various medicinal herbs grow. We have a large variety of medicinal herbs in our country. In some provinces, there is an important number of medicinal herbs. In some valleys located in the east of Tehran, in the valleys of the mountains which are called small Alborz, medicinal herbs are abundant, according to experts. All of these are great national assets and God's blessings, they should be valued and reserved. As I was informed, Iran's forests, especially the northern forests, are among the most unique forests in the world. In many of the countries of the world that have forests, there is not this type of forest that we have in the north. They must be preserved, they are very valuable. A few traders who seek financial gain, and do not think of national interests, encroach on these pastures or forests or other natural assets, while [only] considering their own profits.

Many problems regarding air pollutions and dusty hazes in cities arise from the lack of enough green spaces
Mar 8, 2017

Concerns surrounding plants, green spaces, and the protection of our natural environment are all very important issues for Iran. Many of the problems we have today, including the weather pollution in cities and dusty air arise from the lack of enough green spaces and flora. Green spaces can greatly improve the situation in our country. Fruit trees also have the advantage that they offer tasty fruits, specific to Iran. Our fruits-- different variety of fruits we have-- are different from the same fruits in other countries. As I have heard, our fruits are tastier and richer. Unfortunately, I heard fruit is also being imported now. Importing fruits from foreign countries is among harmful actions, and officials should urgently prevent this, except in cases of necessity. Overall, the matter of green spaces, trees, pastures and flora are extremely important in our country, even more important than some other countries; because in our country we have deserts and there is not enough rain or water resources. Climate varieties of our country are as such that we need to seriously preserve our flora.

Protecting the environment must become a part of public culture
Mar 8, 2015

Destruction of the environment should be criminalized and prosecuted as a crime. Amendment and revision of the existing laws and strengthening of demanding supervisions [are necessary steps to be taken]. Supervision should be carried out without any exception and heads of supervisory bodies personally see to this. Perhaps, one of the most important aspects is to build culture. People should know how important it is to protect the environment. We must start this from elementary schools. In textbooks, our children should understand the importance of pastures and forests, air and water, soil and seas and the likes of them, and should be sensitive about them. Protecting the environment should become part of the public culture. Of course, the role of the national television should not be overlooked. The national television must certainly play a role, but people can also do their part.

The U.S. acted in a bullying manner in the case of Kyoto Protocol
Mar 8, 2015

You saw how in the case of Kyoto Protocol, the Americans stood [against the protocol] as a bullying government. I said this in Friday Prayers [sermon] a few years ago and addressed the issue. That is, a sort of bullying approach to a treaty, which is not related to one country or two countries and one corner of the world. It is related to the entire globe. The problem of gas emanated by greenhouses is not an issue exclusively targeting a single country and or a single group of people. No, it targets the entire humanity. Nonetheless, the main problem with regard to environmental issues is that the consequences of destruction [of environment] are not observed in short term. [And] when they are observed, it takes a long time to make up for [environmental] damage and subsequent problems and in some cases it is impossible. [For example,] consider the melting of the polar ice, which can lead to elevated sea levels and many other environmental problems. This is not something to be remedied by humans. Such problems cannot be made better within 10 years and 20 years and [even] 100 years; they will have lasting effects for humanity. I mean, when there are human beings who do not feel responsible [with regard to environment], who have decided to convert public riches of the world into their own personal wealth, [and] take advantage of any opportunity to make themselves richer, this will be the result. Bullying [character] of human beings, brazen disrespect for red lines, and bullying instincts of human powers, powers with money and force, have created such effects and consequences in the world and across the globe.

Islam and divine religions have sought to preserve the equilibrium between humans and the nature
Mar 8, 2015

The issue of environment is a very important issue. In short, this issue is important because it is about mankind’s responsibility vis-à-vis the nature; they should feel that responsibility. Just in the same way that we feel responsibility with regard to human life, we must feel responsible with respect to the nature. Islam and other divine religions have sought to preserve the equilibrium between humans and nature. This is the basis and main goal [in caring for the nature]. Not preserving this equilibrium is the result of [a number of] factors, the most important of which is human complacency, quest for power, and the bullying nature of some of us, humans. When this does not happen – that is, the equilibrium is not preserved – then environmental crises take place; an environmental crisis will harm the whole of the mankind and all generations [of human beings].

Protect the trees, care for the greeneries
Mar 5, 2014

I ask the people to respect trees and attach great significance to the environment. The slogan, "Each Iranian Should Plant a Tree" --which is common among the people-- is a good slogan. The people should do their best to plant more trees on such days. Both the people and officials in particular should prevent the hands which try to destroy the environment. They should not allow our forests, grasslands and the environment in cities and suburban areas to be destroyed. If you do not act in a powerful and decisive way, the Alborz mountain range will turn into iron and cement all the way up to the peaks. That is to say, if you do not act decisively, some people will continue to take advantage of the situation. Of course, you mentioned that you are working on this. This is very good, but this should be visibly seen in practice so that people know fundamental measures are being adopted.

We need serious rules to protect forests
Mar 5, 2013

We need rules for the preservation of forests - these laws do not exist today- and we need a strong will and determination to prevent the lands around large cities from being taken over by those who transform them into buildings, into high-rise buildings. In addition to creating various problems for humans, the first adverse result is that the green environment around the cities - the city's breathing air - disappears. Now even if you plant trees in your houses within the city, it can never compensate for a lack of green area around the city. Meanwhile, good things have also been done, we should not neglect them: around the cities some green spaces were created. However, what is the country's principle assets--green areas around towns, gardens in the cities, and especially forests--should be preserved.

Islam has special emphasis on protecting trees
Mar 5, 2013

Plants and trees are a blessing for every country, for every human community; therefore, in the holy Sharia of Islam and in our hadiths, there are recommendations on preserving trees, and preventing the cutting of trees. Well, it is an Islamic recommendation. Today, all the people of the world are paying attention to this issue, and it may be said that people and communities have always been concerned about preserving trees. But the complaint I have-- addressed to all the authorities working in the area of jungles and trees preservation--is that we are planting trees one by one here, but hundreds or thousands of trees are cut off in places where they should not be cut off. This is a big problem. Villages and green spaces around big cities were wrongfully and forcefully given to some people who wanted to use the land for their own interests and they still continue to use the lands for their own interests. Hence, green spaces turned into cement and iron, and buildings-- which is a disaster for the cities. The country's forests have also been under serious threat that should be solemnly prevented.

Natural resources are considered national wealth
Mar 8, 2011

The environment is very important. The matter of natural resources is very important. Natural resources are national wealth; they are not the property of one or another government, this minister or that minister; they belong to the people; and not to one generation of the people. Rather, they belong to nations over the course of their history; they need to use them. Be sensitive to the issue of deforestation. The pressure on the forests is intense. Forests must be preserved. Natural resources and pastures must be preserved.

The issue of environment is more important than any political and economic issues
Mar 8, 2011

The matters of greeneries, gardens and trees are among the principle matters. We should not regard them as secondary. It is true that in evaluating essential matters of the country, we tend to focus on economy, culture, financial and political matters; but if we look deeply, we will notice that nature and humans’ environment is more important. What is politics for? What is economy for? What are various urban and national services for? What is the country's development for? Development is to bring a healthy and comfortable life for the population. If the environment is devastated, all the rest will become useless. The importance of the environment lies there. Indeed, if we do not attend to water, soil, weather, and other matters that affect them-- like pastures, natural resources, jungles, or urban development-- the life of the people will not be sweet. Industries, and industrial developments, increased revenues of the country, and different scientific advances do not actually improve the reality of life. They all serve as prerequisites for a healthy, sweet and comfortable life for the people. Instead, one of the factors that play a direct role here is the environment: the habitat of the humans, and the issue of weather conditions. Then, its roots, its basis-- which is the soil, the trees and the jungles-- will find primary importance.

Destruction of the environment has irrevocable global outcomes
Mar 29, 2010

Destroying the environment is one of the things that harm an entire nation, an entire region and sometimes the entire world - and the consequences become tangible only when they are irreversible. The issue of environment is a very important issue. Islam has paid a lot of attention to the issue of environment. The importance of protecting the environment has been recognized in the modern world. Preserving the environment is among our Islamic teachings. This is a very important point which has to be taken into consideration.

The forests should be used wisely and appropriately
Mar 9, 2010

I plant a tree on my part; another person plants several trees and this way, the people plant thousands of trees: it would make a very good deed. But if on the other hand, the plant reserves of the country, the tree reserves of the country --which is a huge ancient fortune that is remaining for us-- are encroached on, this is a loss. Our pastures, our forests, are our huge vital reserves. The country should use the forests for everything. The forest is truly a great and renewable source of life. If the pastures and the forests are used wisely and properly, they will never end. It's not like oil reserves, which exist one day, and will be over another day. It is not like a gold mine which exists today, and one day it will finish; rather it will exist forever. It is always there. If we deal correctly and wisely with the plant reserves of the country - that is, the forests and the pastures - and consequently the urban gardens and the like—which are of secondary importance— they will always remain.

Caring for vegetation is not only a matter of providing food, rather it is about providing a habitat for humans
Mar 9, 2010

The tradition of planting trees is a very good tradition. My work of planting a tree is symbolic. I plant one tree, and it means that the young people-- who have much more strength than an old man like me, and are more enthusiastic-- should plant more trees; and dear people of our country should get used to the tradition of growing this means of life. Trees and plants are the manifestation of life; they are living and they also give life, and make the space for human beings and animals an appropriate living space. Paying attention to the plants is not just about providing food; it is about providing a vital habitat for humans. So plants are very important.

You should preserve the forests and protect them against encroachment
Mar 9, 2010

Unfortunately, the country and the people have suffered from the repercussions of encroachments on the forests and the pastures. The rangelands have been encroached on and devastated in various places, especially near the big cities; this must be prevented. Otherwise, all the efforts for creating green spaces across the country will be in vain, when a great number of old and fruitful trees are cut off--trees are important resources; we can use the wood of the trees of a forest without deteriorating the forest. It's not very beneficial for people to construct on the one hand and lose the main resources on the other hand; this matter needs to be taken care of. Planting trees is a lesson for us; so we understand the value of the existing trees. This sapling [we plant], is a small tree, with little effect. It might die before growing into a big tree. But the trees that are old, for instance, 100 or 200 years old, and the valuable trees of forests and woods must be preserved, and protected against encroachment.

Neglecting the natural habitat of humans derives from rebellion, selfishness and egotism
Oct 13, 2006

Every one of us human beings might develop a tyranny or an idol within ourselves. Rebellion and self-conceit against God will result in the development of rebellion within humans. If the self-conceit happens before other people, it will result in ignoring other people's rights, encroaching on and invading rights of others. If the self-conceit happens against the nature, it will result in devastating the natural environment-- which is happening around the world today. Ignoring the natural habitat of humans derives from rebellion, selfishness and egotism vis-à-vis the nature.

Islam’s view of nature and environment is emotional, moral, spiritual and guiding
Jun 10, 2003

In Islam, the most comprehensive view and the most appropriate way of interacting with nature and the environment have been described. God has created the universe and all the phenomena as beautiful, logical and harmonious, and we should use the nature appropriately, avoiding the destruction or contamination of it with wrongful encroachment-- which can afflict societies with problems and calamities. Islam's view toward nature and environment --both living and non-living-- is emotional, moral, spiritual and guiding, and the enjoyment of natural blessings is based on sound, just, wise, balanced and constructive principles. The ultimate goal of Islam is to enable all generations to enjoy the divine blessings; and to create a healthy and peaceful society without gaps between various social classes and ready for moving toward growth and prosperity. Thus, the religious obligations are there to maintain balance and equilibrium in the enjoyment of natural blessings while avoiding excessive use and offending others.

Industrialized countries have caused the major damages to nature and environment
Jun 10, 2003

The industrialized countries have caused the greatest damage to the nature and the environment and have violated the rights of other countries. Due to their policies, they have imposed illnesses, poverty and destruction on many people. Unfair and inappropriate ways of interacting with nature and contaminating the environment in our country indicate a lack of awareness about environmental issues and weaknesses of legal mechanism in protecting the environment and preventing contamination of it. In order to eliminate this major shortcoming, people's awareness of environmental issues needs to be increased. Moreover, large-scale management for building a suitable structure along with legal requirements for observing public rights should strive to increase motivations and sensitivities toward counteracting contaminators.
