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Publish Date : 07 April 2019 - 19:37  ,  
News ID: 5517

Iranian scientists produce advanced wound care dressing

TEHRAN(Basirat): Iranian scientists at the Technology Tower of Amirkabir University of Technology have produced special dressings which stimulate new tissue growth and can treat different kinds of wounds as well as type one and two burnings.

The dressing, called TEBADERM Collagen Matrix dressing has been designed and manufactured after eight years of research and study on dressings that can resemble human skin by scientists at one of the companies in Amirkabir Technology Tower, ISNA reported on Saturday. 

TEBADERM Collagen Matrix has a structure similar to intercellular matrix and biopolymers that provide human cells with an optimal, stress-free environment. This promotes the uptake of growth factors in the wound bed and accelerate cell division and the healing process of the wounds. 

The new dressing has a flexible matrix that can be placed on different types of wounds; furthermore, it reduces allergic reactions and poses less tissue damage when being changed. 

TEBADERM Collagen Matrix can be used for the treatment of all types of wounds including the diabetic wounds, bed sores, type one and two burnings, injuries resulted by breastfeeding, high exudate chronic wounds, and neuropathic wounds. 

It is also used for the treatment of wounds caused by rheumatoid arthritis, different types of cuts and lacerations, transplantation wounds as well as arterial wounds and venous ulcers.  

The new dressing can reduce treatment costs and it is now ready for large scale production. 

