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Publish Date : 17 April 2019 - 22:46  ,  
News ID: 5573

American Muslim Art Exhibition and First Modest Women’s Fashion Show to kick off in St.Louis

Tehran(Basirat): The Missouri chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Missouri), will host its third annual " Muslim Art Exhibition” in St. Louis.


The event will feature over two dozen local Muslim artists and performers as well as the city’s first Modest Muslim Women’s fashion show designed to challenge stereotypes, build understanding, and empower American Muslims to share their stories through arts and fashion.
The exhibition will highlight nearly two dozen local American Muslim artists and performers who will display their art at the Sheldon Concert Hall and discuss how art impacts their faith and identity as American Muslims. A variety of interactive tables will feature everything from Henna Art to Arabic Calligraphy. Guests will be able to purchase art from the local artists. The exhibition is open to the public and is family friendly.

This year’s art exhibition features the first Modest Muslim Women’s Fashion show to showcase modest fashion designs, one of the latest trends in the fashion industry.

“Our religion promotes modest fashion and styles which directly challenge a modern fashion industry that regularly exploits and objectifies women’s bodies” said Mojda Sidiqi, fashion designer for the art exhibition. “We want to showcase modest designs that can be worn by women of all faiths that make them look beautiful and express themselves, all while remaining modest. We’re also excited to showcase traditional clothing worn by Muslim women from around the world.”

“By giving these local Muslim artists a platform to showcase and sell their work we hope to transform our communities and have more community members pursue careers in the arts” said Sadia Ali event organizer for the art exhibition.

The exhibition will be held on Saturday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m in the Sheldon Concert Hall and Art Galleries, 3648 Washington Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63108.

