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Publish Date : 18 June 2017 - 14:15  ,  
News ID: 2026

Iran Announces Probe into Killing of Fisherman by Saudis

TEHRAN (Basirat) : Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced on Sunday that it has begun an investigation into killing of an Iranian fisherman by the Saudi coastguard in the Persian Gulf.

Iran Announces Probe into Killing of Fisherman by Saudis

In comments on Sunday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi expressed regret at the killing of an Iranian fisherman from the southern city of Bushehr by Saudi forces.

"We are seriously pursuing the bitter incident,” he added.

Qassemi said the Foreign Ministry is currently waiting to receive the preliminary reports of the happening.

On Saturday evening, Majid Aqababaee, director of border affairs at Iran’s Interior Ministry, said Saudi Arabia’s coastguard has opened fire on two Iranian fishing boats in the Persian Gulf waters, killing a fisherman.

According to the official, the boats were blown off course by the waves.

The Saudi border guards began to shoot at the boats without verifying whether the vessels had crossed the Saudi border, he noted, saying a fisherman was killed after being shot in his back.

Aqababaee deplored the attack as being against the humanitarian principles, saying the Saudi Arabian forces were not allowed to open fire at the boats even if the vessels had accidentally crossed the kingdom’s border.

SOURCE: Tasnim News Agency
