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Publish Date : 16 September 2017 - 10:32  ,  
News ID: 2309

Iran has intel on US scandals in Syria, Iraq

TEHRAN (Basirat): IRGC Air Force Commander Gen. Hajizadeh said Iran has documented intelligence on US army’s support for ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq that would create a great scandal for Washington if Tehran were to publish it.

Iran has intel on US scandals in Syria, Iraq

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Commander of IRGC Aerospace Force, made the remarks in a televised interview on Friday, adding "during these years, we managed to infiltrate US headquarters and were able to witness what the American troops have been doing there; I saw what they would target, where they would hit, where they would purposefully miss and how they backed ISIL terrorists.”

"The documented evidence of all these observations is in our possession,” said Hajizadeh, adding "if we get permission to disclose it, it will create a great scandal for the US.”

