"Western countries, particularly Americans and Zionists, have been trying for
years to use threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran as a means to impose
their will on the Iranian people, but they basically are not able to carry out
their threats against the Iranian people, and the main reason for their
inability is the might of nation and armed forces to respond to any possible
aggression,” Bregadier General Yadullaj Jawani said on Wednesday, two days after
the Leader of the Islamic Republic ordered the Iranian officials to be ready for
resuming higher uranium enrichment if the nuclear deal falls apart.
"Today, all the military experts in the world agree that any American or Zionist
military action against Iran will face Iran's swift and decisive response, and
the main losers will be the aggressors," Jawani said.
He stressed that Americans and Zionists have now realized this fact, so they
are trying to use the media, propaganda and psychological operations to target
Iran's high level of security.
Source: Mehr News