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Publish Date : 15 December 2018 - 09:03  ,  
News ID: 5017

Senior Cleric Blasts US for Anti-Iran Plots

TEHRAN (Basirat): A senior Iranian cleric strongly blasted US President Donald Trump for continuing to its hostilities against Iran, and said Washington has failed to provoke the people of Iran against their government.

Senior Cleric Blasts US for Anti-Iran Plots

Senior Cleric Blasts US for Anti-Iran Plots"The Iranians had a good time this summer," Hojjatoleslam Kazzem Seddiqi said while referring to the US president's plot against Iran and Iranian people.

He reiterated that President Trump by declaring the so-called Hot Summer project tried to provoke unrest in Iran through financial pressure and economic turmoil, but failed.

In relevant remarks on Wednesday, Iran’s Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Eshaq Al-e Habib called on the UN Security Council to introduce and condemn the US for flagrant violation of the 2231 resolution.

"In this meeting that is held to consider the implementation of resolution 2231, the Council should therefore consider and address all obstacles created in its implementation, in particular its provisions on promoting and facilitating the development of normal economic and trade contacts and cooperation with Iran," Al-e Habib said, addressing the UNSC in New York.

He made the remarks after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo repeated the claim that Iran was in "open defiance” of the 2231 resolution at a UNSC meeting on Wednesday on the implementation of the resolution.

Source: Defapress
