The meaning of US withdrawal from Syria
Tehran (Basirat): US President Donald Trump has just announced that his troops will leave Syria. The decision has made many reactions inside and outside of the United States, and two top officials of US administration resigned.

In this regard, Zionist authorities have not evaluated the Americans' decision
as a favorable to withdraw their troops from Syria. But the departure of the US
military from Syria is not merely the decision of Trump; it is an US
administration decision. In other words, it's a symptom that indicate failure of
US. The adoption of such decisions by the Americans is recorded many times in
history. Today, US is talking about the departure of American troops from the
Syria. So this is not a debate that only concerns the Trump administration, it
relates to the general status of the United States. Americans have come to the
conclusion that today their methods in the governance of the world are not
accountable and US instruments are not practical on political and military
oversight of developments in the West Asia region, while there have been many
innovations on the front side of the United States. The front side of the US has
made great victory in both national and regional coalitions as well as in
international affairs, especially in the area of security and politics, and the
United States has missed the boat.
Trump’s tweet on the withdrawal of American forces from Syria should be examined
in several respects:
1. The withdrawal of American forces from Syria is indicative of the withdrawal
of US troops from the region. In other words, the main focus of US power in the
West Asian region is to focus on military power, the military withdrawal from
Syria means the failure of the United States in entire of West Asia region. Of
course, this is not just a military withdrawal; it can also result in political
and economic withdrawal and other areas.
2. Today, Zionist regime need foreign support more than ever, while the Zionist
regime's relations with Europe are not in a good position, and moreover,
Europeans have gone out of the region for many years, except for diplomatic
relations and signing of arms contracts. . For example, in the developments in
Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and ... the effective presence of
Europe is not seen and its impact has reached almost zero. The relationship
between the Zionist regime and the Russians has went in darkness over the past
few years, and Russian presence in Syria and their interaction with the
resistance front have made this issue clear to Zionists that they cannot rely on
the Russians' help. Therefore, the Zionist regime relies solely on the presence
and support of the United States in the region. But announcing US withdrawal
from Syria don’t mean lifting US support for the Zionist regime.
3. The third issue is the resistance front axis. The United States announces its
withdrawal from Syria, whereas, Islamic Republic of Iran has maintained its
presence in Syria despite high pressure. This means that the front of the
arrogance system with American-centered base against the resistance front and
Iran front have failed and have left the land. This issue will not only be a
victory and achievement of the resistance front and the Islamic Republic of
Iran, but will also affect the situation of the dependent countries of the
United States in this region and will face them with plenty of problems.
By: Dr Sadollah Zarei