At a time when so many folks are in so many kinds of need, volunteers are stepping up in the country to give — to donate their time, skills, materials, and much more. To meet shortages, they are making masks and other personal protective equipment at home.
To feed those in need, they are working at charities. They are shopping for and making deliveries to the more vulnerable and producing and distributing sanitizers to prevent the spread of the virus. They are donating facilities, money, food, and even their own blood to help their neighbors make it through tough times.
The coronavirus disease pandemic is placing significant strains on health systems, essential public services, and communities globally.
From the onset of the coronavirus crisis, different groups in the country voluntarily started to help their compatriots without any support from government organizations in order to deal with the problem as soon as possible.
These community groups have proved their altruism in the past through making the best use of their capacities to remove problems during natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes and have significantly participated in the reconstruction of damaged areas.
In the current situation, they are engaged with producing face masks and antiseptics, disinfecting public places and streets, as well as providing assistance to medical staff in clinics and hospitals.
They also supply basic goods and essential foods to low-income and underprivileged families.
Based on statistics, more than 10 thousand volunteer groups, including 230 groups of medical science students, with over 125 thousand members have pitched in to help older and more vulnerable people across the country.
Moreover, some 500 workshops have been established with the capacity to produce 500 thousand face masks per day and some 300 centers have been set up by around 800 medical science university students in 17 provinces with the aim of offering health services and training to people.
Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has lauded the sacrifices made by health professionals, saying in fighting the coronavirus outbreak they have placed their lives and health at the service of the people.
He praised the volunteers, including the clergies, student Basij forces and ordinary people, who put their lives on the line and offered help to the health professionals, patients and the needy.
Source: MehrNEWS