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Publish Date : 09 October 2016 - 12:38  ,  
News ID: 1162

Russia to Restore Military Bases in Cuba, Vietnam as War with US Looms

TEHRAN (Basirat)- President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military bases in Cuba and Vietnam to be re-opened amid escalating tension between the US and Russia.

President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military bases in Cuba and Vietnam to be re-opened amid escalating tension between the US and Russia.

Russia plans to restore the bases that had served a pivotal role in protecting the Soviet global military power during the Cold War. reports:

In 2001, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the military to pull back from Cuba and Vietnam as he sought to bolster ties with the United States.

The U.S.-Russian relations now have plunged to the lowest point since the Cold War times amid strain over Syria and Ukraine, and with John Kerry exclaiming "war crimes” and every neoconned American lining up behind Hillbama proclaiming Putin (and Assad) ‘satan’, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday, that the Russian military is considering the possibility of regaining its Soviet-era bases.

Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov told lawmakers Friday that the ministry is considering the possibility of establishing footholds far away from Russia’s borders.

Responding to a lawmaker’s question if the military could return to Cuba and Vietnam, Pankov said the military is "reviewing” a decision to withdraw from them, but didn’t offer any specifics. "As for our presence on faraway outposts, we are doing this work,” he said.

Amid the deterioration of ties with the West, the military began pondering plans to re-establish its global presence. A small naval supply facility in the Syrian port of Tartus is now the navy’s only outpost outside the former Soviet Union.

"The global situation is not static, it is in flux, and the last two years have made significant changes to international affairs and security,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a conference call with reporters.

"Therefore, it’s quite natural that all countries assess these changes in line with their national interests and take certain steps in the way they consider appropriate.”

As AP concludes, Oleg Nilov of A Just Russia, one of the factions in the Kremlin-controlled lower house, pointed at the U.S. and its NATO allies’ deployment near Russian borders as he argued that Russia needs to regain its Soviet-era bases

"It’s time to reach agreements to return to faraway outposts if they don’t understand the language of diplomacy,” he said during debates.

Just as Paul Craig Roberts warned, War is the only destination to which Washington can lead.

The oligarchy is entrenched in Washington with control over economic and foreign policy positions, think tanks and other lobbyists, and the media.

The people control nothing.

What does the world think when they see Donald Trump damned because he doesn’t want war with Russia or the American economy moved offshore?

Where in American politics do Washington’s European, British, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese vassals see leadership worthy of their sacrifice of sovereignty and independent foreign policy? Where do they even see a modicum of intelligence?

Why does the world look to the most stupid, vile, arrogant, corrupt and murderous government on the planet for leadership?

One might think that the issue would be Hillary’s extremely hostile attitude toward Putin ("the new Hitler”), which promises conflict with a major nuclear power.
