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Publish Date : 08 April 2017 - 09:26  ,  
News ID: 1828

Senior Cleric: US Cruise Missile Attacks Cover-Up for Backing Terrorists

TEHRAN (Basirat): Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani strongly blasted a US cruise missile attack on Syria's military base in Homs province in the Western part of the country.

Senior Cleric: US Cruise Missile Attacks Cover-Up for Backing Terrorists

Addressing a large and fervent congregation of the people on Tehran University campus on Friday, Ayatollah Emami Kashani said, "The US cruise missile attacks on Syria's military base were a cover-up for Washington's support for its support for the terrorists."
The senior Iranian cleric underlined that the western powers have created the terrorists and Israel, and said, "Now they spread the lie that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons."
In relevant remarks earlier on Friday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned a US cruise missile attack on a Syrian military airbase near the city of Homs in the Western part of Syria, calling it "destructive and dangerous".
"The US use of a chemical attack in Syria as a pretext for unilateral action is dangerous, destructive and violation of peremptory principles of international laws," Qassemi said.
Some 60 US Tomahawk missiles were fired from US warships deployed to the Mediterranean Sea at the Shayrat airfield southeast of Homs on Thursday, in an assault slammed by Syria as an "act of aggression.”
Washington ordered the assault after accusing Syria of carrying out a chemical attack against the town of Khan Sheikhoun in the Northwestern province of Idlib on Tuesday.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran as the biggest victim of chemical weapons in modern history condemns any application of such weapons regardless of the perpetrators and victims," Qassemi added.
He reiterated that the timing, perpetrators, and benefactors of the chemical attack are still shrouded in mystery.
The foreign ministry spokesman said the US airstrike will only strengthen the dying terrorist groups and complicate the situation in Syria and the region.

SOURCE: FarsNewsAgency
