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Publish Date : 23 December 2018 - 08:56  ,  
News ID: 5057

WHO Advisor: Iran Pioneering in Healthy Blood Transfusion

TEHRAN (Basirat): A senior advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) lauded Iran for its effective efforts to provide patients with most hygiene and healthiest blood products.

"Iran acts very well in this field and is one of the pioneering countries in area of blood healthiness in the region," said Smit Sibinga on Saturday, who has traveled to Iran to devise a report on health conditions of blood products.
"Iran ranks first in the region in meeting the WHO's standards and therefore, it has been chosen as the center for cooperation with the WHO so that other countries can use its experiences," he added.
Iran is standing among the best 5 countries in providing healthy blood supplies to the patients in need of blood transfusion, an Iranian official announced in 2013.
A senior official in Iran’s Blood Transfusion Organization said the blood taken from the donors in the country was of the highest standards compared with others in the region.
"Iran’s Blood Transfusion Organization enjoys the highest scientific and operational standards in the region in providing healthy blood supplies and the officials of the World Health Organization (WHO) have also confirmed it,” Director of Iran’s Blood Transfusion Organization for International Cooperation Fariba Seiqali said in a ceremony held in Tehran to introduce the Organization as the WHO’s partner in training and research in blood healthiness affairs.
She said that Iran’s Blood Transfusion Organization had held different training courses for the transfusion experts of the regional and neighboring countries, including Afghanistan, and sent 2,000 bags of blood to Somalia when the country was entangled in famine and starvation.

