“The coronavirus pandemic was born out of a global bioweapons smuggling ring which involves Winnipeg in Canada, Harvard University in the United States and Wuhan in China. The United States had outsourced its bioweapons development program in part to China but the Chinese were paying American university professors like Charles Lieber at Harvard to facilitate the smuggling of these dangerous materials, which ended up in Wuhan,” E. Michael Jones from the US state of Indiana told Tasnim.
He added, “Until the source of the pandemic becomes clear, Iran should be very suspicious of any offer of help from America”.
Eugene Michael Jones is an American writer, former professor, media commentator and the current editor of Culture Wars magazine.
Following is the full text of the interview:
Tasnim: In a recent article about the coronavirus outbreak you wrote, “The coronavirus is a bio-weapon which was either released into the population deliberately or escaped by accident”. Can you please explain why do you think it is a bio-weapon? Who or what country is behind this?
Jones: The coronavirus pandemic was born out of a global bioweapons smuggling ring which involves Winnipeg in Canada, Harvard University in the United States and Wuhan in China. The United States had outsourced its bioweapons development program in part to China but the Chinese were paying American university professors like Charles Lieber at Harvard to facilitate the smuggling of these dangerous materials, which ended up in Wuhan. At this point, we don't know whether those bioweapons escaped into the population in China accidentally or whether, as the Chinese government maintains, they were released deliberately as an attack on the Chinese economy.
Tasnim: You further said, “…the coronavirus pandemic is a manufactured crisis”. Kindly explain.
Jones: Either way, governments throughout the world have used the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to create a “manufactured crisis” which can be used to curtain basic civil rights like the freedom to assemble and the freedom to worship. This was necessary to distract Americans from the stock market crash which took place at the same time. The coronavirus pandemic also allowed the oligarchs to regain control of the narrative, which they lost over the course of 2019.
Tasnim: Many countries across the world have been hit hard by the virus, including Iran and the US. The situation in Iran could get worse as the White House has refused to lift its unilateral sanctions despite a growing global outcry against them. However, Washington has offered to help Iran with the contagious virus despite the sanctions and its own shortages. Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei recently spoke out about the offer and said it is “very, very strange” that the Trump administration would be offering some form of help when it is blockading medical supplies and equipment from reaching Iran. What are your thoughts on this?
Jones: Until the source of the pandemic becomes clear, Iran should be very suspicious of any offer of help from America. First of all, the main help which America can provide to Iran is the lifting of all sanctions, and the current Mnuchin/Pompeo faction shows no willingness to do that. Secondly, if Iran has been subjected to a biological warfare attack, the United States' involvement to help would only enable further attacks. And finally, the situation in New York City indicates that any offer of help is insincere because the United States government is incapable of handling the crisis in its own country.